What NSS data can be used for marketing purposes?
Universities and colleges may wish to use their NSS results in marketing materials, to promote courses or the provider as a whole. This is permitted, but there are several restrictions depending on the type and quality of the data being shared.
The publication thresholds (a minimum 50 per cent response rate and at least 10 students) must be adhered to at all levels. Any results below this threshold must not be published.
NSS results from published data may be used in marketing materials and attributed to the NSS, providing the above-mentioned publication thresholds are met.
NSS results from unpublished data such as optional bank questions or provider-specific questions, may also be used in marketing materials, but these may not be attributed to the NSS. However, free text comments should not be used in publicly available materials in order to preserve the anonymity of students. The above-mentioned publication thresholds must be met for the cohort whose results are being published.